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Thursday, June 1, 2017

#NewRelease #Giveaway Love in Transit by @janaastonbooks @ainsleyboothwrites @KittyFrenchAuthor @bjharveyauthor @rainemillerromance @LivMorrisAuthor

Today we have the release day blitz for Love in Transit, a sexy new project from Jana Aston, Ainsley Booth, Kitty French, BJ Harvey, Raine Miller, and Liv Morris!

Title: Love in Transit

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Love In Transit:

You know those people that have a house full of motivational slogans? Embrace Every Moment, stamped on their coffee mugs. Always Kiss Me Goodnight painted above their perfectly made beds. I’m not one of those people. This morning I overslept, then slipped on a stray sock and banged my toe into the nightstand. The elevator in my building broke and I had to run down six flights of stairs. And then my local coffee shop was closed. For health code violations. What’s that? Not the end of the world? You want me to suck it up? Did I mention I’m wearing a wedding dress… on the subway? It’s a Good Day for a Hot Mess. Someone embroider that on a pillow.

Get your copy today!

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Connect with the Authors:

Jana Aston

Ainsley Booth

Kitty French

BJ Harvey

Raine Miller

Liv Morris

Enter the Fantastic Giveaway:

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