Highland Lover
Highland Hearts # 1
Highland Hearts # 1
By: Maeve Greyson
Releasing March 24th, 2015
Maeve Greyson unleashes a thrilling tale
of magic and desire as a feisty Southern gal falls into the arms of a
rough-hewn Highland chieftain.
the proprietor of a homeopathic store in rural Kentucky, Trulie Sinclair knows
that her neighbors think she’s strange—but they have no idea how strange she
really is. Trulie was born in Scotland in the thirteenth century to a line of
time-traveling Highlanders. When Trulie’s grandmother convinces her to return
to their homeland, Trulie jumps back in time, right onto the powerful chest of
Gray MacKenna. Just as his steely good looks send ripples through her body,
their fierce attraction will send ripples through the ages.
his parents murdered, Gray is consumed by thoughts of revenge. As the new
chieftain of the MacKenna clan, he has reason to believe that there’s a traitor
in his midst, and nothing—not even the bonny lass who suddenly drops from the
sky—can distract him from his single-minded pursuit of the culprit. But when
Gray learns that this sassy beauty possesses gifts beyond the sparkle in her
eye, he allows his gaze, and his heart, to linger. While he hunts for the
murderer, Gray finds in Trulie a precious companion—and a timeless love.
I always forget how much I love a historical romance until I
read one! This book takes the historical and modern and twists them together in
a really unique way. It’s very difficult to write stories that root in time
travel, but this author did a wonderful job. It was fun, interesting, and very
Trulie is a
time runner, a skill passed down to her and her sisters, from mother to
daughters. As a child, her grandmother jumped ahead with her and her three
sisters to save their lives after the death of their parents. So, although she
has visited many eras with her grandmother, she has essentially grown up in the
21st century.
Her Granny,
oh Granny. She is hysterical. This book would not be anything without this
character. She is every stereotypical personality of the meddling grandmother
and yet, she is not cliché at all. She adds a lot of laughter to the story and
I loved her!
Granny knows
that Trulie’s future is rooted in the past. She weaves a web of half-truths and
convinces Trulie to jump back, but Trulie is of the mind that she will shortly
return to her current time period. She has let her life become fairly boring
and Granny feeds on that a little bit to get her to go on this adventure.
Gray is the
newly appointed Chieftain of his Highland clan, the MacKennas. His mother and
father recently dies in a horrific fire and he has not only been given this
huge responsibility (as the illegitimate child of the previous Chieftain), but
he is saddled with his father’s venomous widow and her sniveling weasel of a
son. He is fixated on finding out who the culprit is that caused the deaths of
his parents.
When Trulie
comes flying through time and literally falls on top of him, life takes a sharp
turn into a new direction. All of the sudden, he has an additional focus, to
claim Trulie. Gray is easy to read about, an easy character to love. He is
loyal, loving, strong, and passionate. He balances the tough and the sweet in a
very smooth way. His sarcasm just adds to his attractive picture.
Trulie is
almost as much fun of a character as her grandmother. Together, they are a
force to be reckoned with, their wit, intelligence, and magical talents bring
together a duo that will have you smiling and shaking your head at the same
time. Some of their schemes are very quirky and had me giggling, but they are
always made with common sense.
Gray’s more
stoic personality is in sharp contrast to Trulie’s at times, but that’s a lot
of what makes them fit so well together. Trulie brings out the humor in him.
The passion rages between them and I had to go and grab a fan to finish the
The author
does a really nice job of keeping you guessing. Even when you learn who the
culprit is, even if it happened to be the person you expected, there are still
surprises in every corner. The story unfolds in a web, but I was never lost in
it. The author even throws in some pretty heavy angst at times, and yet keeps
the story on the lighter side so that the sadness doesn’t get you down.
I very much
enjoyed this book and I look forward to the next book in the series! I’ve
certainly added more of this author’s books to my TBR. It was a fun and
engaging book, with adventure, love, and steamy romance. The story never drags,
so it’s a pretty fast read as well. 4 Stars!!
Kentucky—Twenty-first Century
And there he was–so heart-stoppingly close her headlights lit up
his face. The bare-chested man raised a tensed arm against the glare. In one
fluid motion, he crouched low and unsheathed the biggest sword Trulie Sinclair
had ever seen.
“Holy crap!” Trulie jerked the steering wheel hard to the left.
His teeth bared in a defensive snarl, the man sprang sideways. With
predatory grace, he swung the massive broadsword in a lethal arc through his
Trulie braced for impact. Instinct and adrenaline locked both knees
as she stomped the brake pedal to the floor. She sawed the steering wheel back
and forth, slinging mud and gravel through the night. The old truck fishtailed,
bounced through twin ruts in the narrow road, then sloshed to a stop in a
shallow, water-filled ditch.
Trulie clutched the steering wheel in a stranglehold until her
knuckles ached. Where in blue blazes had that guy come from? And that sword?
The high-pitched yowl of an irritated cat paired with a hissed “Dammit”
drowned out the jackhammer thump of blood pounding in Trulie’s ears.
Granny and Kismet.
“Are you all right?” Trulie flipped on the interior light, clawed
the seatbelt out of the way, and scooted toward the tiny, gray-haired woman
clutching the spitting black cat against her chest.
“You know . . .” Granny blinked a few times, then peeped over the
rims of her cockeyed spectacles. One sparse silver brow ratcheted a notch
higher as she resettled back in the dip of the worn seat and straightened her
glasses on her nose. “You know, Trulie,” she repeated, pausing again to smooth a
blue-veined hand down the insulted feline’s puffed-up hackles. “If ye wouldna
drive like a bat out of hell, ye might dodge things a lot easier.”
Trulie deflated with a relieved breath. Thank goodness. If
Granny could still deliver a smart-ass remark, then Granny was okay. Of course,
slipping into her seldom-heard Scottish brogue was a telltale sign that the
wild ride hadn’t been enjoyed. Granny only reverted to the lilting roll of her r’s
under duress.
Trulie squirmed around in the confines of the truck and peered out
the back window. Her frazzled reflection stared back at her from the dark
glass. Dammit.
She twisted back around and flipped off the interior light
then turned back to the window.
Nothing moved but the silhouettes of treetops swaying against a
star-spattered sky. The sparsely graveled road reflected silvery gray as it
snaked beneath the moonlight. No sword-brandishing human mountain was anywhere
to be seen. “That guy came out of nowhere. Did you see that freaking sword?” And the package of
testosterone swinging it?
Thank you for hosting MY HIGHLAND LOVER!