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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5* Review, Excerpt & Giveaway! Unpredictable by @Shantel_Tessier @EJBookPromos

Title: Unpredictable
Author: Shantel Tessier
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: April 6, 2015

My niche in life is being an asshole. It suits me. I’m that guy who jokes about love and how settling down is overrated. Why would a guy ever fall for one woman when you can have as many as you want? Makes no sense to me.

But if being a cop has taught me anything, it’s that life is unpredictable. And that is exactly what Katherine is. The woman makes me question my sanity on a daily basis. Sometimes she makes me want to keep her to myself; other times, she makes me want to jump off a cliff just to get away from her.

Yet I still find myself turning into that little pussy I said I’d never be. Showing up on her front door holding flowers, only to have her throw them at me. Calling just to say hello, only for her to press ignore. Yeah, I’ve become a pussy all right. A whipped one at that. At first she was a challenge, but now I don’t like the fact that she is playing hard to get. But when someone comes after me, threatens my job, my life. It’s her that stands by my side. It’s her who has to pay for my sins. And it’s her who I’m threatened to lose. One thing that you need to know about me is that I'll fight for what I believe in. And I believe in her more than myself.

What’s that saying? Boy meets girl and the rest is history…Well, those who fuck with what is mine, will become history.

Review- 5 Stars!
Shantel Shantel Shantel oh how I love thee!!  You make me smile, fall in love and giddy like a little kid.  Your writing absolutely sucks me in and I can't get enough of it...major fan girl here...Your characters show strength, love, are well developed.  The storyline was perfect and just like the rest of the series, you will fall in love with Parker.  This was everything I wanted it to be and more.  This is a standalone, but I highly recommend reading Slade and Sam's Story as well as Missy and Tate's.  

Parker might seriously be my favorite...he's an ass, he's snarky, he's funny, his ego is like majorly massive and yet he has a heart of gold.  He loves and protects his friends, but true love is not for him...Sex is sex, nothing more.  Will his eyes finally be opened to something more? Or will he stay a manwhore? 

Katherine oh hell this girl could be my best friend.  I loved her and her attitude.  She's strong, feisty, tells ya like it is, and she is funny.  I mean the opening scene between her and Parker had me rolling.  I thought "Oh yeah she's a crazy bitch and she’s perfect for his arrogant ass!"  Yet, she also has a soft, sweet side, but she has walls up and keeps herself at somewhat of a distance from others.  Why?  What has caused her to not trust or give herself over to someone completely?

Josh leans over and whispers "That Katherine seems crazy."  
I grunt in approval 
"She is but you know how much my cock likes crazy." I say with a smile

There are so many moments that are swoon worthy coming from Parker and then some hilarious ones.  I loved how Katherine played hard to get.  She kept Parker on his toes and I think he enjoyed the chase. But I also think he was afraid of his feelings so he got defensive at times.  GOD, there are so many things I want to say, but I don't want to give anything away!!!  

"I see you, Kat.  I see you clear as day and just like the sun, you blind me with how beautiful you are."

The chemistry between these two was like fire! It burned bright, hot and fierce when it was good.  When it was bad it was like someone doused it with water and it slowly died down.  Their relationship had a lot of ups and downs...it was unpredictable

That's what I love about her-she's unpredictable.  I never know if she's gonna walk into the kitchen and kiss me or throw a toaster at my face.  I don't know if we'll have no kids or eight.  I just know that I will willingly turn myself into a whipped little pussy for her every day if that’s what it takes to prove to her that she's it for me.

I could go on and on about this book and Shantel's writing.  I absolutely and positively know that for as long as she writes she will be an automatic one click author for me.  Her writing gives me goose bumps, makes me smile, makes me pant and makes me fall in love.  You literally need a new change of panties after some of her scenes and I love that!  I highly recommend this book as well as the rest in the series.  BUY THIS BOOK!!! 5 Puss Puss Stars!
*Review by Heather Driscoll

I sit at the wedding party table and watch the lovely couple smile at one another as they eat their cake. It’s sickening. 

I can’t get my mind off the beautiful yet bitchy woman sitting next to me. She is having a much easier time ignoring me. But she did admit earlier that she was a good faker. I try to get up the courage to speak to her by taking another drink of my wine. I don’t need the liquid courage to actual speak to her; I need it to keep me calm from being a dick, which is what I do so well. I really don’t want her to kick me in the balls like she said she would. 

“Would you like to talk about what happened that day?” I ask her politely. 

She looks up from her cake and stares at me as if I have two heads. “Not to you.”

“Maybe I can help you,” I offer. “I am a police officer,” I remind her as if I wasn’t the one who threw her down in her front yard and handcuffed her. “Does that type of thing happen often with you and your boyfriend?” Maybe they like to fight. Maybe it’s like their foreplay. Believe me, I have seen some crazy shit. 

She places her fork on the white tablecloth and leans over to whisper, “I told you once and I’ll tell you again. Drop it. What happened was none of your business.” 

I reach out to softly rub her arm, and I feel it break out in goosebumps. “Does he hurt you?” I ask looking deep into her eyes. I’m being a total ass, and she knows it.

She jerks her arm away from me. “I had just got home that morning and was in a bad fucking mood,” she growls. 

Just gotten home? It was like seven in the morning. “What in the hell were you doing just getting home?” I demand. “Especially the way you were dressed.” I smile as I let the dickness come out. “Been out hooking all night? And your man got tired of having to share you?” The memory of her telling me that she wanted to fuck her man’s best friend is still fresh in my mind. And what a thought that is. 

I hear Samantha gasp as I watch Katherine’s eyes narrow on me. She reaches over to the table, and the next thing I know, she’s shoving her cake into my face. “Vas te faire encule salaud,” she hisses in my ear before I feel a cold liquid land in my lap. I can literally hear my cock sizzle as if she just put out a fire. Holy fuck, did she cuss at me in French? I think I just came.


Parker's Pussies Fan Page: http://goo.gl/uqO6HW

Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their four year old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book

She has published five books in the Undescribable series and 2 books in the DASH series. She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee, but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly. 

Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their two cats and dog.

You can also sign up for Shantel's Newsletter: http://goo.gl/GdXw8l 


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