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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway! The Slayer by @Kele_Moon

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Title: The Slayer (Untamed Hearts, #2)
Author: Kele Moon
Genre: Erotic | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2015

To Chuito the apartment was a self-imposed prison for a lifetime of sins. To Alaine, the girl next door, it was salvation from her overbearing, religious father.

He was a devil. 

She was an angel.

Two people who should’ve never met, let alone become friends, but it’s not until they give into the dangerous passion that’s been simmering under the surface for five years that things go to hell. 

On the outside, Chuito ‘The Slayer’ Garcia is on top of the world. He’s successful. He’s wealthy. He's a champion MMA fighter surrounded by friends who support him, but they don’t know what he was before he came to Garnet.

A gangster. 

A thief. 
An addict. 
A murderer.

Now his past is churning up demons he can’t ignore. Chuito knows he needs to go back to Miami to end it, but there's something holding him back, a single temptation he can't resist before leaving.


She’s the one drug he can’t give up…even if it destroys them both.

“To me you’re coke. Fine. Smooth. Perfectly white. Very bad for me, but so fucking sexy I don’t give a shit. It’s worth going down for.” – Chuito Garcia

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Review- 4 Stars!
What do you get when you have gangbangers, gangsters, UFC fighters, thieves, addicts and sexy ass men....this book!!  
Gut wrenching, powerful, brutal, and sexy!  This is Chuito's story...get ready for and intense ride! 

Chuito is fierce.  Everything about him is like all or nothing.  He would do anything for his family and for those he loves.  Through all his tattoos, his reputation of being the Slayer, his previous gangbanger life, he's also a protector.  I absolutely loved him!  He's had a hard life and your heart will bleed for him when you find out about his past.  Growing up in the gang was about survival, but one can only survive so long.  Seeing a way out and try to get some redemption, he takes it… However it maybe his own personal prison.  His own personal prison with a temptation he needs to resist, but is having a hard time...Alaine

Alaine is the sweet preacher’s daughter.  She wanted something different for herself other than a husband and kids.  She wanted an education and to be independent.  Her lovely ass of a father disowned her....she lost her family.  She's lonely until her mysterious neighbor moves in.   She's intrigued by him and the two form a friendship.  She's an angel and she just may be Chu's salvation.  

I loved how Chuito was with Alaine.  I totally swooned over his tenderness when it came to her.  He wasn't your typical man trying to get into her pants.  No he knew he wasn't good enough for her.  She was too sweet, too innocent, too pure.  He was the devil and she was his angel.  He loved her, but he couldn't give into his desires, he would taint her and he would be able to live with himself if that happened.  Eventually things would catch up to him and he didn't want her to go down too.  He has too many secrets, too many sins...but he can't stay away.   Will he destroy her too?  

"To me you’re coke. Fine. Smooth. Perfectly white. Very bad for me, but so fucking sexy I don’t give a shit. It’s worth going down for.” 

The chemistry between these two is mouthwatering.  Like explosions, fireworks, you name it...it was hot!  There connection and love has been years in the making...five years of pent up sexual tension...holy hell!! 

He didn't just get drunk on her
He got totally fucking high on her

I loved Tino.  The bromance between him and Chu was awesome.  The banter back and forth will bring a smile too you.  It’s hilarious!!  It's like brothers from another mother romance!  The love these two have for each other is more than best friends...its family.  Both men protect those they love and would die protecting those they love.  Sometimes in life you don't always choose wisely, sometimes you make a choice you have to live with for the rest of your life....Tino does something and let me tell you...I gasped and held my breath!  

My only complaint about the book is all the Spanish used.  I felt lost at times as to what was being said.  Yes, I could understand some of it as having taken Spanish, but still sometimes it drew me away from the story trying to figure out the dialogue.  *Note there is a guide at the end that explains it*. I also wasn't absorbed into the story fully until the half way mark.  Once I seemed to hit that point, then I couldn't put the book down!  

This isn't your average love story...nope it's brutal, dirty and hot!  

"Eres mia," Chuito growled against the curve of her neck and then sucked hard enough to mark her.  "You hear me, mami?  They can't have you."  He pulled out and pushed back in, making Alaine cry out once more as Chuito promised her, "You're mine."

The author does a good job grabbing you and making you fall in love with her characters.  This story was gritty, raw, swoon worthy and funny.   Their love is so fiercely intense...like it will stand the test of time...loved it!  Great read, great story and fantastic characters.  As this is the second book in the Untamed Hearts series, you don't have to read the first one.  However, the first book and also the Battered Hearts series have characters that are in this book. Things and characters come up that might be helpful if you've read those, but you won't be lost if you don't.   I look forward to Tino and Nova's stories!!
4 Slayer Stars!!!

Review by Heather Driscoll

The Slayer - Teaser #1

“I’m an addict. You know that. Getting off the drugs has never changed that. If I—” 

He swallowed hard, and his voice was still full of pain. “I just can’t. I shouldn’t even touch you.”

“You drink,” she pointed out. “You’re not addicted to that.”

“Alcohol is not my drug of choice. It’s the exact opposite of it.”

“I’m not cocaine,” she reminded him.

“That’s what you think?” He glanced at her over his shoulder, his dark gaze running over her for one long, hot moment until it stopped to rest on the pink lace of her bra. 

“To me you’re coke. Fine. Smooth. Perfectly white. Very bad for me, but so fucking sexy I don’t give a shit. It’s worth going down for.”

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Kele Moon

A freckle faced, redhead born and raised in Hawaii, Kele Moon has always been a bit of a sore thumb and has come to enjoy the novelty of it. She thrives off pushing the envelope and finding ways to make the impossible work in her story telling. With a mad passion for romance, she adores the art of falling in love. The only rules she believes in is that, in love there are no rules and true love knows no bounds.

So obsessed is she with the beauty of romance and the novelty of creating it she’s lost in her own wonder world most of the time. Thankfully she married her own dark, handsome, brooding hero who had infinite patience for her airy ways and attempts to keep her grounded. When she leaves her keys in the refrigerator or her cell phone in the oven he’s usually there to save her from herself. The two of them now reside in Florida with their three beautiful children who make their lives both fun and challenging in equal parts–They wouldn’t have it any other way.

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