About SAVOR:
Jared is Vera's perfect man—until he opens his mouth. An
incredible body and set of wings can only go so far when everything he says
seems designed to make her mad. Still, she can't deny her intense attraction or
the fact that he is the closest thing she has to a friend.
Jared doesn't go for bear shifters, especially ones that are
related to his ex, but he can't resist Vera's charm or the way she understands
him better than anyone else.
As suspicions build and loyalties are tested, Vera and Jared
realize that they may not be able to trust anyone but each other.
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Review- 4 Stars
I was a bear. I knew it in
every grain of my being, but another part of me was human, and it was the human
side, the human vulnerability, that simultaneously saved me and destroyed me.
And it was him. Jared. He opened me up to feelings and
experiences I never wanted but now needed. If I'd know in the beginning
what he was going to do to me, I probably would have run the other way, but I
didn't. I didn't see it coming.
This is the 4th book in
the Empire Chronicles featuring Jared and Vera, Vera is Casey's sister.
Casey you met in the first three books and is Jared's former mate.
Even though Jared and Vera are not "together" you can't help
but feel the attraction between them. Two unlikely people, who can't seem to
stand each other, but are drawn to one another.
The beginning of the
story has Jared and Vera traveling to her home to confront her parents.
She needs to meet her real father and have words with her mother.
Jared needs help finding his mother and believes Vera's mother can help.
But there is a unsettling feeling....trouble is brewing. Who can
they trust? Can they trust each other?
I liked Vera a lot.
She's snarky, and puts up with nothing. She will put a person in
there place in a second, but I also thought she was a little insecure.
Jared does things to her...he makes her quiver with need, but yet he also
pisses her off. It's hilarious!
Jared can be a jerk.
He's got such a attitude, but yet he has a big heart. He doesn't trust
easily, but there is something about Vera. She brings out the worst and
also the best in him. Will he go against judgement? Will he fall
for Vera completely?
Oh these two are perfect
for each other. Vera is essentially Jared in a woman's body. The
banter between them is funny and you can't help but want them to be together.
You see them both learning to trust each other and not run away when they
both desperately want too. They definitely make an interesting
One night with Vera wasn't nearly
enough. She was addicting, and staying away was going to be hard- if even
This book deals with folk
lore, family traditions, prophecies, and lots of magic. This has lots of
secrets, questions and is full of suspense. It's intense at times....
As this being the fourth
book, I felt a little lost. Even thought it's a new couple, their story
begins in the previous book. You probably should read the first three
books to understand their characters more, but it's not completely necessary.
It would give you some more insight into their lives. But I will
say you will get sucked into Jared and Vera's intense attraction and drama.
The story I felt starts
off slow and the build is nice. It was about the 65% mark that things
started to really go off. Around 77% things get even more intense.
It just keeps going and going from there...then BAM the damn cliffhanger.
I totally didn't see that coming...shocker! I can't wait to see
where the story ends up. Alyssa does a great job getting you interested
in her characters and the storylines she dreams up suck you in. 4 Great
magically intense secret filled Stars!!!
Review by Heather
Savor (The
Empire Chronicles #4)
Alyssa Rose Ivy
“I’m glad you don’t want me dead.” He smirked. Even his
smirk was sexy.
“I’d be on my own if you were.” I put my hands behind my
“And you don’t like being alone?” He studied me in the
darkness. Sometimes I wished neither of us had night vision. It left you so
naked, never having an opportunity to hide.
“I do most of the time.”
“But not always?” His eyes raked over my body. The fact that
he could make such a platonic conversation feel sexual gave me even more reason
to resist him.
“Why does it matter?” Often the best way to avoid a question
is to ask your own.
“It matters because I asked it.” And there went his mouth
My annoyance gave me back my will power. “Put a shirt on.”
“Why?” He grinned. “Am I distracting you?”
“No, but we should go. The sun will be up soon enough.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go with you.” He sat up, swinging his
legs off the side of the bed.
“No way.” I moved to standing. “You’re not backing out.”
“Why do you care?” He stood with his back to me. “You can do
this alone.”
“Of course I can.”
He turned to me. “Then why does it matter if I go my own
way?” He pulled on his t-shirt, and a little part of me missed the view.
“Because we agreed to help each other out. I stick to my
promises.” That was one of my good traits. The not so good traits weren’t worth
reflecting on.
“Maybe I don’t.”
“You do.” I put a hand on my hip. I didn’t have time for
Jared’s games.
“How do you know?”
“I just do.”
“You’re infuriating.”
I groaned. “And what are you?”
If I’d had liquid in my mouth I would have spit it out. “Not
exactly the word I’d use to describe you.”
“Says the girl begging me to stay with her.”
“I never begged.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Would you beg?” His grin was his undoing.
“Is that how you like it, Jared? With your women begging?”
“I wasn’t talking about how I like my women.”
“Are you sure about that?” I grabbed my backpack and headed
into the cabin’s small bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
I paused with my hand on the door. “To shower.”
Alyssa Rose Ivy Bio:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlyssaRoseIvy
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5047249.Alyssa_Rose_Ivyhttps://www.facebook.com/AlyssaRoseIvy
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/alyssaroseivy/
Website: http://www.alyssaroseivy.com/
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