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Saturday, May 23, 2015

#Review #Giveaway Only Forever by @CristinHarber @InkSlingerPR

onlyforeverAbout ONLY FOREVER
The fourth and final installment of the Only series. Must be read in order.

There comes a time when Emma must face the secret she kept from Grayson. But she never thought it would be while she stood on stage at Emerald’s. The seconds she has to convey that her life is in danger are lost in the devastation that she sees rip through him.

She pinches her eyes closed. “Don’t leave me. No matter how mad you are, please, please don’t leave me here alone.”

But there’s more on the line than just Emma’s safety. There’s the danger that brought Titan’s Delta team in to the strip club in the first place. A threat that’s too close to home, too close to the family, the daughter and woman Grayson plans to claim.

I push away the sudden spring of fear. Life’s too unknown, with hidden enemies and unseen terrors. The idea that I could lose her again… it’s unbearable.

A love story like Grayson and Emma needs a forever love, and somehow they’ll find their way to her fairytale.

REVIEW - 5 Stars
I was so happy to know that we got to see how things turned out for Emma and Grayson!!! I fell in love with this couple in the previous books and was sad when we were left wondering what would become of their relationship. In this book, Cristin does an awesome job of including suspense and action with what Emma goes through at her job. I never expected what happened to actually happen. I couldn't read the words fast enough to see what happened with Emma in this situation. I am so glad that Greyson was there to be her rescuer and to help her through the situation without judging her for how she had provided for their daughter for years.
I love that Greyson was so protective of Emma and how he made it known that he might have screwed up in the past but Emma and Cally were his now and he was determined to make up for lost time. Greyson had a hard life growing up and how Emma's family took him in and considered him one of their own helped him become the man that he is today. I was glad to see Greyson pursue a job that he wanted and that would provide well for his new family.
This story has a very HEA and I am so glad. This was a really hear warming ending to a rough patch for this little family. Thanks Cristin for writing us a happy ending. Can't wait to see what is in story for us readers from you now!!

Review by Melanie Hutchinson

If you need to catch up on the Only series, you can start with ONLY FOR HIM here!



ABOUT CRISTIN HARBER Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

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