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Thursday, May 28, 2015

#Review #Giveaway At the Spy's Pleasure by @TinaGabrielle @TastyBookTours

At the Spy’s Pleasure
In the Crown’s Secret Service # 2
By: Tina Gabrielle
Releasing May 26th, 2015
Entangled: Scandalous


Every gentleman has his secrets…
London 1821
After years of marriage to a selfish man who preferred gambling to his young bride, Jane, the widowed countess of Stanwell, now seeks what she was long denied-a satisfying lover. Naturally, a lady needs a list of eligible candidates, which doesn’t include the dangerously handsome (if far too arrogant) Gareth Ramsey…until he steals a sinful kiss from Jane’s all-too-willing lips.
Reputed as an arrogant barrister, Gareth’s real occupation is as a spy in the service of His Majesty, and his suspect is on Jane’s list of possible lovers. With her life in danger, there’s no safer place for Jane than with him-and in his bed. But Jane is as distracting as she is infuriating, and keeping her by his side while he pursues his mission might just endanger them both…

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Review- 4 Stars
There is something so fun about reading a romance set in England in the 1800s. Perhaps because it was an era that is associated with love and romance, a fantastical time that probably wasn’t nearly as wonderful as we make it out to be. Even so, I fall easily into the ideas and sink into the story, wooed by the picture we portray. However, that’s only if it’s done correctly, and this book easily swept me away.
          Jane has been dealt a rotten in hand in her life so far, with a husband who ignored her in favor of his gambling addiction, and the subsequent scandal he caused through his death, and then being ostracized by the society for his stupidity.
          Luckily, widows are granted much more freedom in their life and Jane is determined to make the most of it. She doesn’t ever want to have her heart trampled again, or be trapped by marriage, but she does want to experience the passion she has read and heard about. So, she sets out to find herself a lover, making a list of possible candidates and actively pursuing her goal.
          Gareth is the youngest son of a Barron, but has forged his own way in life by becoming a much desired Barrister. Unbeknownst to society, he is also a spy for the crown. His newest assignment is to uncover the source of faulty weaponry being sold to the military. Through sheer happenstance, he runs into Jane and discovers her list, noticing that his prime suspect in at the top.
          He pursues her, she runs, sparks erupt, and an explosion ensues!
          Jane and Gareth both have strong personalities, which cause some clashing at times. But, their smart banter only fuels the attraction between them. I loved watching their relationship grow, the sexual tension strings the pages tightly together. Even more though, I enjoyed the way they easily fell into a friendship of sorts, outside the bedroom. Enjoying each other’s company and engaging in intelligent conversations and getting to know each other. Without that element, the couple would have fallen rather flat. I wouldn’t have believed it when their feelings began to become involved.
The secondary characters really make the story. I love Jane and Gareth, but without Olivia, David, and Jane’s aunt, it would have lost some of its fun and flare. They really helped move the plot along and put a smile on my face several times.
          The premise of the story is interesting, though there’s not much in the way of plots twists and action (with the exception of a couple of hot boxing scenes), and it’s actually quite predictable. However, it still kept my attention and had me eager to see exactly how the events would unfold, even if I was sure where the story was going.
          This book is well written in general, but kudos to the author for keeping to the time period and not modernizing it, which would have broken my concentration and made the story hard to get into.
          I truly enjoyed reading At the Spy’s Pleasure. It’s not a re-read for me, but I highly recommend it.
Author Info
Displaying Tina.JPGTina Gabrielle, an award-winning author, is an attorney and former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. She's the author of adventurous Regency romances In The Barrister's Bed, In The Barrister's Chambers, Lady Of Scandal, and A Perfect Scandal from Kensington Books. "A Spy Unmasked" is the first book in her new Regency romance series, "In The Crown's Secret Service," and will be released from Entangled Publishing on November 10, 2014. "At The Spy's Pleasure" will be available in April 2015. Tina's books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and her first book, Lady Of Scandal, was nominated as best first historical by Romantic Times Book Reviews.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | TwitterGoodreads



  1. Thank you so much for your wonderful review and for hosting me!

  2. Thank you for hosting AT THE SPY'S PLEASURE
