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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

5* #Review #Giveaway All of Me by @Jen_Bernard @TastyBookTours

All of Me
Love Between the Bases # 1
By: Jennifer Bernard
Releasing May 26th, 2015

Jennifer Bernard, the USA Today bestselling author of the Bachelor Firemen series, scores another homerun with a brand-new series about sexy, single baseball players.

Playing for the Kilby Catfish is hotshot pitcher Caleb Hart’s last chance to salvage his career after a major league meltdown. But the day of his opener with the minor league team, Caleb strikes out with the gorgeous woman who is delivering a petition to run the unruly Catfish out of town. Now to stay in the lineup, Caleb will need to score big with the feisty brunette he can’t keep out of his thoughts.

After the nasty lies Sadie Merritt’s rich ex-boyfriend spread about her all over town, she’s lucky to have a job at all. She can’t afford to screw it up by falling for the player who is supposed to be helping her change the image of the fun-loving Catfish. But that’s easier said than done when Caleb’s voice alone is enough to make her pulse race. And when he surprises her with a mind-blowing kiss, she knows there’s no turning back.

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Review- 5 Stars
This story was a good old love story for me. Jennifer knows how to deliver a heartwarming story that will have you sliding into home plate for her characters. I love how Jennifer incorporated everyday problems into her book that we can all relate to.

Caleb is a hot shot pitcher that has been sent down to the minor league team to work on his pitching and stats. Caleb is a young man that has had to shoulder a huge burden after his father was sent away to jail for gambling. Caleb and his older sister have more resentment towards their father then their younger brothers do because they have had to raise their twin brothers since their mom up and left them and the step mom was killed and now the dad is in jail. Caleb is the one making the money so he feels that it is his priority to take care of them and to give them everything that they want and need. Tessa takes care of the twins when Caleb is in season with baseball and Caleb takes care of them the other time. Things are about to change though because Tessa has been accepted to Medical school and is going to be focusing on her studies more. Caleb know that he has to work his way back up to the major leagues to be able to support them and all their needs and wants. Such a heavy burden for someone who is trying to get started out in life himself.

Sadie is a young lady that is trying to overcome her past and the horrible things that a rich ex-boyfriend has done to her. Rumors and lies were spread about Sadie along with a sex tape that her ex-boyfriend taped without her knowledge. Hamilton was so upset about Sadie breaking up with him and embarrassing him and his family name that he uses the tape and pictures of Sadie to get people of the town of Kilby to think that Sadie is a slut and will sleep with anyone. Far from the truth. Sadie was just trying to give her boyfriend at the time a birthday present and it backfired on her. Sadie has gotten a job finally with the Mayor of the town and has had to work very hard to gain the trust of those that she interacts with at her job. Sadie has pretty much given up on love for the fear of being embarrassed again. When Sadie literally runs into Caleb while delivering some papers for her job, she had no idea what she was in for with him. Caleb was in a league of his own.

Caleb and Sadie are very apprehensive at first about seeing each other but they use the excuse of working together for the Kilby Catfish baseball team to validate their meetings. Caleb soon knows that there is something special about Sadie and the sparks begin to ignite between them. There is of course some back and forth between the two of them but once Sadie accepts that Caleb only has her best interest in mind, she begins to relax around him. Caleb is such a good guy that it is hard to believe it sometimes. He is definitely an Alpha male that like to take care of his women.

Caleb and Sadie have many trials that they face while dating but the worst is when Sadie's past keeps coming back to haunt her. When Sadie takes it upon herself to help Bingo, Caleb's father, which is when all things get mixed up between Caleb and Sadie. Sadie has no idea what she has done wrong but count's it as another loss that she is going to have to learn to deal with. When Caleb realizes what he has done, he hopes that it is not too late to try and fix things with Sadie.

Jennifer has a way of keeping your attention through the whole story. I did not get bored with this story at any point and it flowed really well. I am so glad that it ended with a HEA too. This couple deserved it!! Thanks for a great read!
*Review by Melanie Hutchinson

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Author Info
Displaying Jennifer.jpgJennifer Bernard is the USA Today bestselling author of the Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriels series. She is a graduate of Harvard and a former news promo producer. The child of academics, she confounded her family by preferring romance novels to … well, any other books. She left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She’s no stranger to book success, as she also writes erotic novellas under a naughty secret name not to be mentioned at family gatherings.

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter  | Goodreads



  1. Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed ALL OF ME.
