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Saturday, June 20, 2015

#Review #Giveaway Rule Breaker by @HarperKincaid @InkSlingerPR

Rule Breaker by Harper Kincaid
Break on Through, #1
(March 3, 2015,  Samhain Publishing)


Just one more can’t hurt…right?

Re-belle-ious, free-spirited Lauren Renwick has decided it’s time to trade her wings for roots. That means no more bad boys, no more foolish choices. Yet when she’s stood up on New Year’s Eve, her resolution to stick to her Mama’s Rules for Dating weakens. Especially when she spots sex-in-leather-and-tattoos, Jackson Sullivan.

One look at Lauren, and Jackson is hell-bent on getting her on the back of his Harley and riding straight for his bed. Their night together is an erotic rush that has a new word popping up on his horizon—forever.

Lauren tries to convince herself he’s just one last fling to get bad boys out of her system, yet she finds herself falling hard and fast for a man with a stalker ex and a meddling Irish family. Plus, he has zero chance of passing her uptight parents’ inspection.

Jackson has Lauren’s back, but if she wants all of his heart, she’ll have to meet him halfway—by ditching rules that hold her prisoner, and learning to stand up for what she really wants.


Amazon:  amzn.to/1B03keX
Barnes & Noble:  bit.ly/1E81g4k
iTunes:  apple.co/1A3eULi

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Review- 4.75 Stars
Let me just first say, Jackson? Just thinking about that man has me all hot and bothered! Just wanted to get it out of the way.
            This is a really quick read and if you’re not a fan of a fast moving, somewhat insta-love story, you’re missing out. The story is short enough to move fast and long enough to feel satisfied at the end. It’s the kind of book that I can pick up in between reads for a pick-me-up that gives me some quick gratification.
            Lauren is a really fun heroine. She skittish and a little too intimidated by her family. However, if you know big Southern families…you’d be more understanding. She’s witty and sarcastic, which I always love. She seems like a solid friend and the kind of gal I’d like to get to know.
            Jackson is a take what he wants and trample all over anyone in his way of it, kind of guy. He sees Lauren, he wants Lauren, he takes Lauren. Then the best part, he keeps Lauren.  Their chemistry is smoldering, like burn the house down hot. Their relationship also has sweetness and romance. They are a great couple, a complete contradiction on paper, but just perfect when they are together.
            I really only had one issue with this book. The speech was a little hard to get through at times. I didn’t mind the way she wrote out the speech idiosyncrasies most of the time, but as the book went on, it was more and more and it got a little annoying. Then at times, Jackson would speak in short sentences that never seemed to really start. It was a little jerky and distracting.
            “Didn’t want to tell you like this.” “Wanted to be the one to tell you first.” That kind of this, but in succession in one paragraph.
            Other than that, I had a great time reading this book! It’s all about the relationship between Jackson and Lauren, it moves quickly, they fall fast, and hard. I loved both of them and it made the story all the sweeter. I’ll definitely be picking this up from time to time for a story to make me melt and smile. 4.75 stars!
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The next book in the series, HEART BREAKER, will be released on July 28th. You can pre-order it here. 

Amazon: amzn.to/1BfMgaf
Barnes & Noble:  bit.ly/1GmLc3c
iTunes:  apple.co/1HHbxex

Kobo:  bit.ly/1FUO7Ok

Author Information

A woman with the heart of a revolutionary,
The mind of a pragmatist,
And the inappropriate humor of your tipsy BFF...

Born in California and raised in South Florida, I've moved around like a gypsy with a bounty on my head ever since. Along the way, I've worked as a community organizer, a professional matchmaker, an art teacher, a popular blogger, and a crisis counselor (to name a few). All the while, longing to have the guts and follow-through to do what I really wanted: to write and become a published author. That wish has finally come true and I am tickled pink with glitter over this good piece of fortune.

What else? Hmm...I love indie, lo-fi, complaint rock played on vinyl, wearing black because it's slimming, the theater, well-informed optimism, happy endings (both kinds),and making those close to me laugh 'til they snort. I'm a self-admitted change junkie, loving new experiences and places, but have now happily settled in the cutest lil' town, Vienna, Virginia. I totally love hearing from readers so stalk me via social media or email me at HarperKincaid26@gmail.com!


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